Sunday, January 16, 2011

Final Fantasy VIII PSX Rom

Final Fantasy VIII PSX Rom

Final Fantasy VIII was the first Four-Disc Final Fantasy from Squaresoft. Not that, having four discs is very significant, but the game had some wonderful FMV's and one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. The soundtrack really lends to the atmosphere of the gameplay over here, one of Nobuo Uematsu's best works!
You start playing as Squall, a fellow who no one knows very well.

As part of standard Final Fantasy culture, you pick up an entourage of friends, but what is unique about Final Fantasy VIII is a captivating, yet moving love story. I won't go into details here, but this game packs a ton of entertainment. If you play RPG's and have not played this game, then you MUST try it out. If you haven't played an RPG ever before, this is probably a good game to start with! With the beautiful graphics, exquisite sound, and immersive gameplay of FF8, you really don't have much to lose, right ?





Final Fantasy VII PSX Rom

Final Fantasy VII PSX Rom Free Download

Never before have technology, playability, and narrative combined as well as in Final Fantasy VII.